The duties, shared by one graduate academic student and one professional student, of the Vice President of External Affairs shall be:
- To attend meetings and serve as the representative of the GPSA Assembly to external organizations for which the assembly maintains membership, including but not limited to University of California Student Association and the Council of Student Fees
- To coordinate logistics for annual UCSF hosted University of California Student Association meeting
- To attend meetings of the Regents and, when necessary, to prepare testimony for the meetings on issues important to the GPSA Assembly
- To bring graduate and professional student concerns to local, state, and national legislative bodies
- To seek information about policies from external organizations that may affect GPSA, report this to the GPSA Assembly, and recommend action by the GPSA Assembly
- To coordinate student involvement in the annual UCSA Congress, Students of Color Conference, Lobby Day and any other UCSA meeting or conference deemed necessary; and to inform students of registration and funding procedures and policies
- To nominate student representation on system-wide committees for GPSA Assembly Approval
- To inform UCSF students of the annual Student Regent application and selection process
- To transition the next Vice Presidents of External Affairs by asking them to attend the last meeting of the academic year and explaining their role and responsibilities during the last month of the current Vice Presidents of External Affairs’ term
- Shall attend the last GPSA meeting of the academic year prior to assuming their seat