All students are encouraged to run for one of the six elected positions in the GPSA elections. All candidates for an Executive Council position must be full-time (GPSA fee-paying) student at UCSF and must submit a candidate application and photo online, including a statement (no more than 500 words) describing your reasons for running, qualifications for office, and goals if elected. Candidate applications are due on Sunday, April 7, 2024.
- President
- Vice President of Internal Affairs
- Vice President of Finance
- Vice President of Diversity Affairs
- Vice President of External Affairs - Grad & Professional Reps
To run for an open position, please submit a candidate application and photo online, including a statement (no more than 500 words) describing your reasons for running, qualifications for office, and goals if elected. Elected Executive Council members are required to attend at least one Spring Quarter GPSA Assembly meeting for the purpose of gaining familiarity with the Assembly’s procedures and significant contemporary issues.
If an Executive Council position is vacant after the elections are conducted, the vacancy shall be filled by presidential nomination and approved by a 2/3 majority vote of the GPSA Assembly.
Candidates: please mark your calendars for the following dates: